Module Lead: Supervisor-led
This module is the first step towards the delivery of the final MSc project, and it will begin with you choosing a specific project/topic area (in agreement with your supervisor of choice). In the initial stage, you’ll need to identify the specific scientific, technological, or economic framework of the project. You’ll receive guidance as to how to formalise your project, and you’ll deconstruct the project into an actionable plan in order to identify any specific challenges you may face, along with potential solutions.
In this module, you’ll learn about the methodologies and practices you need to approach a specific challenge. Assessed via a presentation, you’ll hone your communication skills which will enable you to deliver your project plan and vision to others. By doing so, you’ll gain the confidence to use and explain scientific jargon and themes within a quantum technology framework.
By the end of this module, you’ll be able to:
- present a systematic analysis and reflection on key aspects and challenges of the project to a scientific, technological, and/or industrial audience
- determine and critically assess how the project is framed within the quantum technology landscape
- systematically recognise and express the scientific, technological, and/or economic challenges tackled by a project
- deliver a comprehensive project with an actionable plan, timeline, milestones, and deliverables.
Types of assessments may include:
- a presentation (30%) – a seven-minute oral presentation (with slides) of the proposal for your project
- a report (70%) – a written report of up to 2,100 words describing your proposed project, including the health and safety considerations, methodology, timeline, risks and mitigations, etc.