Module Lead: Dr Alice King
In this module, you’ll learn how quantum mechanics underpins many of the developments that have enabled the characterisation of materials at the nanoscale, and you’ll develop an understanding of these techniques and how they’ve aided the advance of both quantum and nanotechnologies, from bone and muscular regeneration in medical advances, right through to new age batteries and electronics. You’ll study a range of nanomaterials, understanding their fundamental properties and how that relates to their application in technology. You’ll also study how these materials are characterised and learn about the equipment that is used for this in industry.
Assessment will include data analysis from real-world samples and demonstrating a critical awareness of the meaning of this data. You’ll also investigate the current challenges and opportunities surrounding research in the field and explore commercial developments with an assessed critical bibliography and structured questions to industry stakeholders. In this way, you’ll have the opportunity to understand the role of materials in current technology, and how they are developed, analysed, and modified for applications.
By the end of this module, you’ll be able to:
- apply the fundamentals of quantum physics to nanomaterials and the associated emerging technologies
- understand the principles and usage of common characterisation techniques in nanotechnology
- demonstrate critical awareness of current research and its limitations.
Types of assessments may include:
- a report (40%) – a written critical bibliography of current research trends
- a report (20%) – a written structured question to an industry stakeholder
- a log (40%) – a written log detailing thevcompletion of a data analysis project.