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Sussex’s Science Policy Research Unit hosts Transformative technologies in energy, buildings and transport event in Westminster

Sussex’s Science Policy Research Unit hosts Transformative technologies in energy, buildings and transport event in Westminster

A timely reduction in global carbon dioxide emissions are required to meet the goals created in the UNFCCC Paris Agreement, namely limiting the global temperature increase to less than 2°C above pre-industrial levels.

In February 2019 the University of Sussex’s Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) and Sussex Energy Group hosted a panel discussion and networking event to discuss the ‘Transformative technologies in energy, buildings and transport’.

Taking place in Westminster, the home of UK politics, the event brought together high-profile professionals in industry, government, academia and civil society to discuss the key innovations in energy, buildings and transport that will shape the future of energy demand in the UK. A range of perspectives from policy makers and industry leaders, with the latest thinking in energy studies, conducted a stimulating discussion on the future of low energy innovation.

Chaired by Sussex Energy Group Director Professor Benjamin Sovacool the event provided the opportunity to discuss the recently published book “Transitions in Energy Efficiency and Demand – The Emergence, Diffusion and Impact of Low-Carbon Innovation”, which brought together contributions from the members of the Research Councils UK-funded project, the Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand (CIED). Contributors also included members of SPRU and the Sussex Energy Group.

Two panels were held at the event, the first one focused on ‘Transport and mobility’ and the second on ‘Energy in buildings’.

Find out what was discussed on SPRU Doctoral Researcher, Eleanor Drabik’s blog about the event.

The first panel featured:

  • Alex Gilbert – Senior Energy Strategy Manager, Transport for London
  • Paul Appleby – Head of Energy Economics, British Petroleum
  • Debbie Hopkins – Department Research Lecturer, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford.

The second panel consisted of:

  • Joanne Wade – Deputy Director, Association for Decentralised Energy
  • Jeremy Vincent – Head of Energy Social Research, Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
  • Jim Watson – Director, UK Energy Research Centre / Professor of Energy Policy, University College London (previously SPRU)
  • Kirsten Jenkins – Lecturer, University of Brighton (previously SPRU).

Each panellist presented a short pitch, followed by questions from the audience and a discussion.

Watch the full panel discussion here.